News at the Lodge

Eaglestone Lodge Personal Care Home Inc.

A Place that Cares

Winter Newsletter 2023

Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Eaglestone Newsletter! We have decided to publish a quarter newsletter to share the events and activities happening at the Eaglestone Lodge and what is going on with our residents.  Monthly Calendars will be emailed to families and supporters to keep you updated on residents’ daily activities.

We would like to welcome three new residents in November. We are at full capacity, and we have a waiting list. This is very good news for the Eaglestone Lodge.

As you all know Carol Leis is our new LPN - having a full time LPN/Charge Nurse has been beneficial to our residents and staff.

Currently, renovations of our large tub room are now complete, providing easier access for our residents, especially those with limited mobility. Renovations to our small tub room will be starting soon.

An Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan information meeting was held on Oct. 5 at the Legion. It was well attended. We are currently planning a Lunch and Learn Alzheimer Society session in January for families and staff.

The Spaghetti Dinner held at the legion on November 20, was a huge success. Thank you to all who attended and supported us. All money raised will be used for activities and outings for our residents.

A Fall Tea and impromptu Bake Sale was held by the Friends of Eaglestone, which was well attended. It was an enjoyable afternoon for our residents.

Thank you to the many people who have made donations to Eaglestone. We appreciate this very much.

Our annual resident Christmas Party will be held December 16 starting at 8am with a pancake breakfast.  The day is packed full of Christmas themed activities.  Please reach out if you would like to volunteer.  Our residents will also be able to attend the Community Christmas Concert on December 17th, thanks to the use of the Handy Bus from the Town of Kamsack.

Our residents have been kept very busy with daily activities. Exercise, crafts, games and learning new things keeps us all happy and entertained.

Our Activity Coordinator Annette completed the Saskatchewan Forever In-Motion Senior Fitness Training.  She also completed the Dementia Foundations Certificate Program from McMaster University.

If you have any questions regarding activities, general inquiries etc. Please contact Eaglestone Lodge by phone (306)542-2620, email or drop in and say hello!


In the spring of 1989, the Provincial Government approached the Kamsack Economic Development Committee to consider setting up a small business loans program for start-up businesses and businesses that needed renovations, repair, equipment or to expand inventories.

By September 5, 1989, the Kamsack First Co-operative Loans Association Ltd. was established as a non-profit organization offering low-interest loans to qualified applicants.

The original directors were Norman Hawryluk (President). Chester Olson (Vice President), Lawrence Skoretz (Secretary/Treasurer), other committee members where Glen Boychuk, Al Todosichuk and Jack Popoff.  Over the years, we had different Secretary/Treasurers, Wendy Becenko, Eugene Kiwaluk and Sherry Guenther.   And new board members, Glen Prokopetz and Ed Guenther.

Applicants had to pick up an application, make a business and marketing plan.  Once received and approved by the committee, the application and applicable documents were forwarded to the finance department in Regina for their approval and funds were dispersed to the business owner.

The Provincial Government closed the program in 2017.  The Kamsack First Co-operative Loans Association Ltd. closed in November 2020.

The most gratifying aspect of the program was the opportunity to assist local entrepreneurs and business owners that have added so much to our community.  

The funds for this donation came from interest received over the years from loans that were paid for by business owners.  $3,000 goes to the Eaglestone Lodge to be used for capital expenditures.

The board of the Kamsack First Co-operative Loans Association Ltd. thanks all the participants for their dedication over the years.

Chester Olson, Vice President

10 Years Service Recognition

Thank you Amanda Yaremko for 10 years of service at the Eaglestone Lodge Personal Care Home!

20 Years Service Recognition 

Longtime cook Rose Schaan was recently given Eaglestone’s 20-Year Service Plaque. With residents and staff in attendance, Rose, who once vowed that she would quit if our kitchen was ever renovated, seemed quite pleased with her service award and her new work space.